CurrentWindchill 1.0° 16.2°

High Temp 24.7° at 12:00am

Low Temp 16.1° at 7:15am
Current Wind 14.0 mph

High Gust Last 10 Minutes 27.0 mph

Humidity 91%
Barometer in Hg
1005.2 mb
* Last Updated on Jan 20 2025, 7:27 am EST
*From MMA Weather Station
location: Castine, Maine, United States of America
try:{ temp_f: 16.2
} catch:{ temp_f: Unknown
} temp_hi_f: 68.9
temp_lo_f: 67.6
itemp_hi_time: 12:24am
itemp_lo_time: 6:43am
relative_humidity: 91
wind_mph: 14.0
pressure_in: 29.684
pressure_trend: 1005.2 mb
windchill_f: 1.0

--%> full: Castine, Maine, United States of America